A couple of months ago I started really craving mushrooms. Now I always enjoy mushrooms, but for some reason I started really wanting them. I had previously tried to find a satisfying stuffed mushroom recipe and failed. The first recipes I tried were okay, but just not good enough. While jumping from blog to blog one day I came across a recipe for stuffed mushrooms on Dine and Dish. I decided I needed to try it out and I am so glad I did. I made the mushrooms on a Friday night. They were so good to me that I made them again a day or two later. As far as I am concerned my search is over. If you like mushrooms, please do yourself a favor and try this recipe.
About the same time I was going through my mushroom phase (which I don't think has even ended) I bought myself some individual servings of applesauce for my lunch. It had been quite a while since I'd had any, and I had forgotten just how much I enjoy it. The 6 servings I bought did not last long.
Most recently, my obsession has been frozen waffles. Back in the day I used to eat these quite often. For me, there is a science to preparing a waffle correctly. It must be toasted and then the butter must be applied quickly so that it can completely melt. If the butter is not melting as it should, the waffle can be placed on top of the toaster while it's on to speed up the process. In the past, I would then add my favorite syrup (which was the only kind I liked) so that I would have the perfect buttery syrupy mixture. Since that time, I became somewhat of a waffle snob. I had what may have been my first homemade waffle and fell in love. Frozen waffles just weren't good enough anymore. I decided I didn't like them...until lately. I don't know how or why it happened, but I fixed myself some frozen waffles one night. (I should note here that since my previous experience I have sworn off of syrup altogether. They stopped making the one kind I liked and I am happy without it. Just give me plenty of butter!) Yes, it is still important that the butter melt. Then, though, I decided to drizzle my waffles with a powdered sugar and milk mixture. When the butteryness mixes with the sweetness of the powdered sugar glaze I get a wonderful creation and want to eat a whole box of waffles, but I refrain.
I'm sure this too will pass, but I am enjoying it while it's here. Too bad I don't ever crave anything really healthy like carrots. Nevermind, that doesn't sound like any fun.