Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Random photos...

I started out last week so well with two new posts. Unfortunately, I didn't keep it up. I have to admit that the reason I posted was due to 2 things:

1.) I was in a training class at work.
2.) I downloaded an app that allowed me to post from my phone. This is so handy! I don't even have to transfer pictures from my phone to my computer. The only downside is that I miss my regular-sized keyboard.

Now, I have two random photos to share. The first was taken when I recently went to visit a friend. She keeps Reese's peanut butter Christmas trees by her bed. You don't see that often and I did actually witness her eating one shortly after getting up. What a good idea! I don't drink coffee. Maybe I should try to start my mornings off with a little chocolate?

While in training last week I received an IM from a coworker asking if I had brought my lunch that day. It just so happens that I had brought my lunch. She then asked what I brought and told me that she had a funny story to tell me. When I made it to the fridge to pick up my lunch later I saw this note:

which just made me laugh. I didn't even connect the two things. Earlier my coworker had been checking to make sure she hadn't spilled my lunch. Thank goodness I didn't bring the jambalaya!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas at the office...

Since I shared my favorite office supplies with you, I thought I'd also show you the Christmas decorations I have put up in my cube. They're nothing extravagant, but they bring me a little bit of happiness.

Here is my Christmas tree that I purchased from a craft store for about $4.

Next, and last, this is my Christmas tree candy dish. I have filled it with M&Ms and told my co-workers to eat as much as they would like. This keeps me from eating them all and brings visitors to my cube.

Does anyone else think the Christmas and Easter M&Ms are just more fun than the regular ones?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, December 13, 2010

Office Necessities

I am a nerd. I like office supplies. I used to enjoy buying school supplies at the beginning of each school year. Today I wanted to share some of my favorite office supplies.

1.) Blue ballpoint pens (preferably retractable). I do not like rollerball or gel pens for everday writing. Also, I dislike writing in black ink. Maybe it's because blue stands out better or maybe it's because one of my teachers in junior high told us that writing in blue helped you to remember things. I'm not sure. I just know blue is better (for me anyway).

2.) Colorful felt tip pens. I use these to mark on reports and lists. Their colors make them even more fun!

3.) Post-its. I use post-its to take notes when I'm on the phone, make lists of things I need to do or buy, and to write myself reminders. I also enjoy the fact that they can be purchased in a variety of sizes and colors.

4.) Lotion and anti-bac. I am a bit OCD about hand-washing. Therefore, I need a good anti-bac gel for my desk as well as some good lotion to keep my hands moisturized. I highly recommend this Dr. Hiosous lotion. I love it!

5.) The Office memorabilia. If you know me you know that I like The Office. So, I have a couple of items that make my work space more enjoyable. I look forward to reading my daily quotes and post my favorites on the wall of my cube.

6.) Other colorful office supplies.

7.) My iPod. This helps me block out distracting noises and focus on my work. Sometimes I listen to music and other times I listen to audiobooks.

8.) My little friend. This really serves no purpose, but I saw him at BAM one day and thought he'd make a nice addition to my cube.

Isn't he cute??

-Posted using BlogPress from
my iPhone

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I don't want to be that crazy cat lady.....

Yesterday, as I was leaving work, I absently spoke to Corporate Cat, which is what I'm calling the cat that lives by the front door of my office.  Corporate Cat lives a pretty cushy life.  She gets free room and board and her only job is to greet people as they enter and leave the building.  I'm not sure how good of a greeter she actually is though, because she once hissed at me when I tried to open the door. 

Anyway, as I was leaving work yesterday evening, I saw the cat and said, "Hey, Cat," which isn't so bad except that someone else happened to be approaching the front door at the same time.  When I realized this, I became embarrassed.  Am I going to be seen as the crazy girl who talks to the cat?  Fortunately for me, the guy going into the building also felt the need to talk to corporate cat.  I'm not so crazy after all!  Maybe I'm even normal. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Little Help From My Friends

I have a friend who has told me that it is her mission to find a man for me.  She tells me that she is on the lookout for a good guy.  Her first prospect was an auditor she met at work.  Unfortunately, he had a girlfriend.  Next, she thought I should date and marry her brother-in-law.  She told me this multiple times.  I politely declined.  (Side note:  Her BIL is super sweet.  I do actually know him, but don't think that we'd be a match.)  Then, I had to answer a series of questions:

How do you feel about older guys?
(I don't think she meant just a couple of years older)

How do you feel about guys with kids? 

How do you feel about bigger guys?

A couple of weeks ago she'd found THE ONE.  She recently ran into a high school friend at a wedding in her hometown and urged me look him up on facebook.

Another friend told me once that she had a guy I could date.  He had even said that he would go to church.  Unfortunately, that didn't sound too appealing to me.  I would rather have someone who is already attending church and not just going to please me. 

Recently, I was called into my boss' office to view a male employee's info on our office intranet and asked what did I think.  I said that I didn't know.  I don't know him.  Unfortunately,  the information listed wasn't very helpful to me unless I wanted to personally contact him.  No interests.  No hobbies.  No height.  No mention of where he can be found on Sunday mornings.  These employee profiles aren't helpful at all!

Several days after this, I received a phone call from a co-worker who had just left for lunch.  She urged me and my fellow single co-worker to visit the lobby downstairs where we would find "two fine pieces of real estate."  Unfortunately, we were in the middle of some important business (deciding what to get for lunch) and the lobby was empty by the time we finally made it downstairs.

While the sudden interest in my marital status has been entertaining, I try not to show too much interest when people mention finding someone for me.  It's not that I'm uninterested.  It's just that I'm unsure of who they might "find."  I would like to think that I have high standards.  There's nothing wrong with being picky when the decision will affect the rest of your life. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark.......

Tonight I stood in a room full of howling women -- and I mean that literally. 

In my Zumba class earlier this evening my teacher chose "Thriller" as one of our songs.  She did the actual dance and I attempted to follow along.  She stopped, however, in order to encourage everyone to howl like the creature in the song.  I wasn't as enthusiastic about howling as many of my classmates.  In fact, I didn't attempt it at all. The instructor went around the room urging several people to try howling.  I am quite thankful that she did not stop in front of me. She informed us that this releases stress.  It just made me feel silly. 

I say to each his own.  Do what makes you feel good, at least in this case.  Exercise is always more enjoyable when you're having fun.  It was odd, though, to see that many women, most of them middle-aged, howling and loving it. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The good thing about Thursday...

..is that it is ALWAYS followed by Friday.  And I am always ready for Friday.

Also, on Thursday I get to watch The Office, Community, and Grey's Anatomy. 

I love The Office.  Like Really.  And I know some people just don't get it.  I am sad for them.  When I started my current job I brought to my cube my The Office quotes daily calender and some The Office magnets.  I didn't overload my cube with memoribilia.  I do have other interests.  These items should have helped me draw in interesting people who share the same love.  Unfortunately, no one in my department is a big fan. 

One day I wondered if I could date/marry someone who didn't love The Office.  I know I could, but when I envision the perfect guy I see us watching The Office together.  Is there something wrong with me?  I don't think so.  At least not in this aspect. 

Okay.  I could go on, but I won't.  I might lose the one reader I have. 

Tomorrow we are celebrating Boss' Day at work by having a snack day.  On snack days everyone brings some type of food and places it in the snack cube.  Yes, we have a cube just for snacking.  It's important! 

What's also important is that I actually get to work on time.  I have been late every day this week.  I don't even remember ever hearing my alarm go off this morning.  I am so ready for the weekend!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Life from my Iphone

I recently scrolled through the pictures I have collected on my Iphone over the past year or so.  I actually forget to use my Iphone's camera function most of the time, but I thought I'd share some of what I found:

I was on my way to my grandparent's house when I noticed some changes had been made to these two signs.  I especially enjoy "Love Awaits."

I snapped this picture one evening at Wal-Mart.  I was trying to find a register with a short line at which I could pay for my purchases.  Of course, everyone and their brother were there and there weren't enough checkers working.  I wanted to stand in the "20 Items or Less" line, but changed my mind when I saw the number of items in this gentlemen's cart.  I wasn't too happy at this point, but perhaps he didn't know this line was for 20 or less items.....

Once upon a time I prepared my very own shrimp fried rice  - from scratch.  It took me quite some time; mostly because I'm slow, but I thought it turned out pretty well. 

This is a picture of my cubicle wall at work.  I have an Office quotes daily calender.  I tack my favorites to the wall. 

Back in June (or was it July?) my sister and I stood outside a movie theater waiting to see the midnight showing of Eclipse.  Upon entering we were marked with our theater number.  As you can see, we were residents of theater number 3.

These wonderful pistachios can sometimes be found in my desk drawer at work.  They make a nice afternoon snack and are already shelled so I can continue to work while eating.

This was my attempt to capture the true beauty of my paper skirt  while waiting to have a mole removed from my leg at the dermatologist's office.  Aren't you jealous?   

Ravioli Alfredo.  My lunch one day at work. 

Oh, what an exciting life I lead! 

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Conversation at Dollar General

I recently visited a Dollar General to buy some feminine products.  I entered the store, selected my purchase, and proceeded to the checkout line.  The checker was a woman who I'd guess to be in her 50s or 60s.  The following is a recount of our conversation:

Checker:  What, no chocolate?
Me:  No.  <laughs> (I laugh when I'm not sure what to say.)
Checker:  Last week everyone who came in here and bought that got chocolate too. 
                I remember those days.
                Good for you for not getting chocolate. 

The checker's comments didn't really bother me, but I did find it odd that she wanted to comment on such a purchase.  Some people might not appreciate that.  I was also wondering how much of the conversation the young-ish male checker sitting behind the counter on the floor had heard and what exactly he was thinking.  I'm not sure he was paying attention, though.  I suppose I should be glad that the checker was friendly.  I'd rather have her unsolicited comments anyday than have to deal with someone who is rude and acts as though they don't want to be there.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

And so it begins....

As a person who feels the need to start her workday by reading several of her favorite blogs, I thought it would be fun to start my very own blog.  I am a single girl in her twenties working a full time job and learning about grown-up life.  I am an oldest child, an organizer, a procrastinator, and an avoider of confrontational situations (just to name a few things).  This blog is a place for me to share bits and pieces of my life.  I look forward to sharing with you!